
[Sharepoint 오류 해결] Sharepoint 시스템 오류 (event ID : 8306) 가 있습니다.

홍상길 2013. 1. 15. 10:41

출처 :


제 경우는 IIS POOL 중에 SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool이 중지 되어 있어서 오류가 발생 했네요.

다시 시작 했더니 해결 되었습니다.


아래 해결 방안 참고하세요!


[해결 방안]
Step1> You can try to re-run SharePoint 2010 products configuration wizard to see any problems that still exist.
Step2> Go to IIS and see the status of SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool service, whether it is stopped or not, restart the pool.
Step3> Go to manage web application services, review the status of Security Token Service application , try to restart.
Step4> In Central Administration>Security>Configure Service Account>Change the service account for the Security Token Service application to some other managed account.
Step5> If the issue persists, try the resolution in this blog: