Silverlight/WCF Ria Service

[MSDN] System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client

홍상길 2010. 7. 28. 23:21
원문 :

System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client Namespace

Provides classes that are used from the client project for interacting with domain services.


  Class Description
Public class ChangeSetEntry Represents a domain operation to be performed on an entity.
Public class DomainClient Serves as the base class for all DomainClient implementations.
Public class DomainClientResult Represents the result of a DomainClient operation.
Public class DomainContext A DomainContext is a stateful client-side representation of a domain service, providing access to all the functionality of the service.
Public class DomainException Indicates that an unrecoverable error has occurred during the execution of a domain operation.
Public class DomainOperationException Indicates that at least one error has occurred during the processing of the domain operations on the server.
Public class DomainServiceFault Provides a message type used to communicate exception results between the server and the client.
Public class Entity Base class for all entity types.
Public class EntityAction Represents a custom method invocation on an entity.
Public class EntityChangeSet Represents a collection of changes to the Entity.
Public class EntityCollection(Of TEntity) Represents a collection of associated entities.
Public class EntityCollectionChangedEventArgs(Of TEntity) Provides event arguments for strongly typed add or remove notifications for the collections that contain entities.
Public class EntityConflict Represents an entity conflict.
Public class EntityContainer Represents a cache of entities in the form of a collection of EntitySet objects.
Public class EntityKey Base class for a key that represents a unique entity identity. The key is suitable for hashing.
Public class EntityQuery Represents a query method invocation.
Public class EntityQuery(Of TEntity) Represents a LINQ query over a collection of entities.
Public class EntityQueryable Contains the static extension methods that implement a subset of the LINQ pattern for EntityQuery.
Public class EntityRef(Of TEntity) Represents a reference to an associated entity.
Public class EntitySet Represents a collection of Entity instances.
Public class EntitySet(Of TEntity) Represents a collection of Entity instances that provides change tracking and other services.
Public class InvokeArgs Represents the information required to call an invoke operation.
Public class InvokeCompletedResult Represents the result of an invoke operation.
Public class InvokeOperation Represents an asynchronous invoke operation.
Public class InvokeOperation(Of TValue) Represents an asynchronous invoke operation.
Public class LoadOperation Represents an asynchronous load operation.
Public class LoadOperation(Of TEntity) Represents an asynchronous load operation.
Public class OperationBase Represents an asynchronous operation.
Public class QueryCompletedResult Represents the result of a query operation.
Public class QueryResult Message type used to communicate query results between the server and the client.
Public class QueryResult(Of T) Message type used to communicate query results between the server and client.
Public class SubmitCompletedResult Represents the result of a submit operation.
Public class SubmitOperation Represents an asynchronous submit operation.
Public class ValidationResultInfo Contains information about the error that occurred during execution of an operation on the server.
Public class WebDomainClient(Of TContract) Provides the default domain client implementation using WCF.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration EntityOperationType Describes the types of operations that can be performed on an Entity.
Public enumeration EntitySetOperations Enumeration of the types of operations permitted on an EntitySet.
Public enumeration EntityState Describes the possible states for an Entity.
Public enumeration LoadBehavior Specifies control identity cache behavior when loading entities.
Public enumeration OperationErrorStatus Describes the errors that occur during an operation.